Monday-Saturday 8AM-5PM Year Round

Returns & Warranty

“WIDE OPEN” Warranty, Part Return, and Core Policy

We told you about Simple Part Pricing and now we want to tell you about our Exclusive “WIDE-OPEN WARRANTY AND RETURN POLICY” 

  • Every item you select from the EWE-PULLET inventory can be returned for any reason for 33 days from the date of your receipt.  You must have your receipt for return or exchange. You can come get another part, or get in store credit that never expires. No cash, check and credit card refunds will be given at Ewe Pullet. Ewe Pullet Credit NEVER Expires.
  • WE DO NOT CHARGE CORE CHARGES!  All parts are priced inclusive with core stated returnability.
  • Our return policy is “WIDE OPEN” but there are a few items which will cause us to put the “BRAKES” on.
  • All parts which you choose and remove are sold AS-IS.  No other guarantee or warranty is expressed or implied. You can always use our “WIDE OPEN” return policy to select and remove another part, if the one you originally selected will not work for you.
  •  Returns not handled the same day will require the customer to pay a new admittance fee if a like replacement part needs to be removed by the customer.
  • Parts which have been modified dismantled or altered from their purchased condition, will not be eligible for our “WIDE OPEN” warranty and return policy.
  • You must have your purchase receipt to utilize any of our “WIDE OPEN” warranties, returns or exchanges. No cash, check and credit card refunds will be given at Ewe Pullet. Ewe Pullet Credit NEVER Expires.

Important!, Please Read 

While we do offer our exclusive 33-day “Wide Open” return or exchange policy, we need you to understand that all parts are sold “as is.”

No cash, check and credit card refunds will be given at Ewe Pullet. Ewe Pullet Credit NEVER Expires.

We do our best to note problems that we are aware of by writing notes on the windshields, assume no further inspections have been done.

The parts YOU are choosing has ZERO guarantee of proper operation or fitment for a particular use.

There is ZERO labor warranty on any of the parts that YOU choose.

Remember to inspect the items you choose closely and look for common failures.

Our customers must understand their responsibility and understand the business model at this Self-Service business. If this concept is not for you, we understand, and we offer different rules and warranty policies at Nordstrom’s Auto Recycling, our full-service business. The full service business and the self service business have different pricing models, both with amazing savings, but quite different.

This is part of the self-service model of business we practice at Ewe Pullet.

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